Yeti Premium Cooling Towel - Full Colour - Tube

SKU: 9533

Incredible towel which is manufactured from a 50/50 blend of nylon and polyester. Premium cooling towels have 50% nylon content and will cool faster than similar products made from 100% polyester or Dacron. Nylon fibres completely repel water which evaporates much faster when it contacts them. Yeti will cool up to 15 degrees below the outdoor temperature in seconds by harnessing the power of this rapid evaporation. To activate it, simply wet the towel, wring it out and snap it tight to remove excess water. It is worn around the neck or head and natural, chemical free cooling will last as long as the towel remains wet. Yeti is ideal for use when playing sports, jogging, walking, biking, at the gym, working outdoors etc. It can also be used as a sports or gym towel and is presented in a carabineer tube which include full instructions.

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