Hex Pens (Stocked Offshore - BND70XL)

SKU: 29449

Symmetrically designed Hex pens offer geometric bliss at your fingertips. The straight lines of these pens are broken by chrome circles and offset with a beautiful partially forged hexagon clip. In nature the organic resemblance of the hexagon shape to those found in hives make it easy to understand why this shape is used to convey communication, unity and group accomplishment. Each pen is equipped with a Cross type 1mm German black ink refill which includes a Tungsten carbide ball for a smooth, non-skip writing experience. Pen refills have been filled and standardised to average a writing distance of approximately 1300 metres. Ballpoint pens should be stored on their side or facing down, enabling the TC ball to trap in moisture and deter the entry of air.
Each Hex pen is crafted from high quality brass, stainless steel and ABS thermoplastic. Pens are supplied in individual polybags unless gift boxes are purchased (see below).

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50+ years experience
Australia based
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