Toyo I-Dried Bath Mat

SKU: 15045

TOYO I-DRIED BATH MAT is made of ancient phytoplankton (diatoms) as raw materials which has functions as super absorbent - about 78%-80% water absorption antibacterial deodorant non-slip and so on. You won't have to worry about getting your floor wet after you come out of the bathroom . The water on your feet can quickly suck away . When your feet leave the bath mat the wet footprints will disappear within 15 seconds. The strong water absorption ability and Good anti-skid performance could become your a perfect bathroom partner. The Diatomaceous mat does not add any harmful substances and bleach natural green material of it effectively prevent the propagation of bacteria. It's the best choice for millions of families! It is so easy to take care of it when there is stains on the surface washing it by water and use sandpaper gently grinding the surface until removed then let it dry naturally the quickly renewing bath mats looks the same as the new one.

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50+ years experience
Australia based
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