Moleskine Classic Hard Cover Notebook - Pocket

SKU: 389

The Moleskine Classic Notebook is the heir and successor to the legendary notebook adopted by artists and thinkers over the past two centuries, used today by contemporary creatives. The classic pocket-sized hard cover notebook features 96 leaves (192 pages) of 70 gsm Moleskine ivory-coloured lined paper with rounded edges, an elastic closure for privacy, and a bookmark ribbon. The expandable back pocket includes the history of Moleskine and provides space for notes and mementos. A customisable 'In case of loss' notice is printed on the first page, while the Moleskine logo is subtly debossed on the back cover and printed on the inside front cover.
Please note this product cannot be supplied without the Moleskine logo. Moleskine reserves the right to decline any custom project or artwork that does not align with their brand on a case-by-case basis.

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Australia based
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