How to personalise golf balls?

Golf is a fantastic sport. In a strange way it is competitive, yet meditative. Better yet, it is social, yet individualistic. Especially in pandemic times, where people wish to socialize together without having to be physically very near one another – golf is the perfect sport.
And, what is better than a regular golf ball? A personalised one, of course!
A personalised golf ball can be a great present for a dear one, a tasteful way to promote a business, or a unique way to treat yourself. Here are a few examples of how to best personalise golf balls.
- Put a name on the golf ball.
Simple, yet very personal. Getting a gift for an avid golf player? Get them personalised golf balls with their name on them, and they can be their lucky pack. Playing a game of golf with your colleagues? Put each individual name on a different ball for each individual person. It is a very thoughtful way of showing respect towards someone.
- Put the name of a company on one side, and the logo on the other.
Trying to get new clients by inviting them to a game of golf? How about putting the company’s name and logo on golf balls? With this, you are showing that you really mean business, and it shows off the fun, more business-casual side of a company. You can just put the company’s name or logo on the balls, but better yet, you can make them double-sided and put the name on one, and logo on the other side
- Put witty taglines on the golf balls
Playing any kind of sport is linked to having a good and fun time. So, putting something humorous on golf balls is not a bad idea. You can put a short, golf-related joke on the balls, or just add an inner circle joke, that only you and your pals will understand. Either way, you should remember that golfing is a pleasant activity and should be treated as such.
- Use the golf balls as a memory of an outdoors event
You are having a nice birthday party for your child in the park where there is a golf course? The perfect time to show off the surprise you got for all the guests. That’s right – custom golf balls as a personalised reminder of the great fun you are all having on that wonderful day.