Sunburn Alert Stickers

SKU: 407

Pack of four Sunburn Alert Stickers that take the guesswork away from when it is time to re-apply sunscreen. They are a practical and easy to use warning device for anyone who is out in the sun. The user places a sticker on the back of their hand and applies sunscreen over it at the same time it is being applied to other parts of the body. Each sticker is UV sensitive and turns blue when sunscreen protection diminishes and the skin is being exposed to harmful UV rays. The sticker will turn white again when sunscreen is re-applied, indicating protection has been restored. Instructions for application and use are printed on the cardboard pack and it can be branded in full colour on the front at no extra cost. This product is not suitable for children under three years old, does not contain sunscreen and does not protect the user against sunburn. A production lead time of 25 working days applies to this product by air freight.

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